Dr Anna Puzio

Visiting Research Scholar, Las Casas Institute

Dr. Anna Puzio’s research areas include the anthropology of technology, ethics of technology, and environmental ethics. She studied Catholic theology, German studies, and philosophy in Münster and Munich, Germany. She completed her doctorate in an interdisciplinary graduate school at the Munich School of Philosophy, focusing on the anthropology of transhumanism (“Über-Menschen. Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus”). After working in various cities such as Münster, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, and Vienna, she is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Twente, working within the nationwide ESDiT Research Programme (Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies). Her research focuses are robot ethics, relationships with non-human entities, New Materialism and diversity. Currently, she is a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford.

Website: www.anna-puzio.com

Twitter: @PuzioAnna


Email: a.s.puzio@utwente.nl