Dr Barnabas Aspray
Associate member, Las Casas Institute
Barnabas is a member of the Religion & the Frontier Challenges research programme at Pembroke College. A philosophical theologian by training, he completed his PhD on the conceptions of God, creation, and evil in the thought of Paul Ricœur. He is currently researching the ethics of refugees with a view to developing a theology of asylum and immigration.
Barnabas is founder and host of Faith at the Frontiers, a podcast that confronts challenges to the Christian faith with hope.
Barnabas Aspray, Ricœur at the Limits of Philosophy: God, Creation, and Evil (Cambridge University Press: 2022)
Journal Articles
Aspray, B. ‘Jesus Was a Refugee: Unpacking the Theological Implications’, Modern Theology 40, no. 2 (2024).
Aspray, B. ‘Faith, Science, and the Wager for Reality: Meillassoux and Ricœur on post-Kantian Realism’, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84, no. 2 (15 March 2023): 133–56.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘New Challenges to Character Education’, Journal of Character and Leadership Development 10, no. 2 (2023): 49–59.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘A Throne Will Be Established in Steadfast Love’: Welcoming Refugees and the Davidic Kingdom in Isaiah 16:1-5’, Open Theology 7 (2021): 426–44.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘How Can Phenomenology Address Classic Objections to Liturgy?’, Religions 12, no. 4 (April 2021): 236.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘Y a-t-il une métaphysique ricœurienne ?’, Crossing: The INPR Journal 1 (2020): 73-83.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘“No One Can Serve Two Masters”: The Unity of Philosophy and Theology in Ricœur’s Early Thought’, Open Theology 5, no. 1 (2019): 320–332.
Barnabas Aspray, ‘“Scripture Grows with its Readers”: Doctrinal Development from a Ricœurian Perspective’, Modern Theology 35, no. 4 (2019): 746-759.
Chapter Contributions
Barnabas Aspray, ‘From Exegesis to Allegory: Ricœur’s Challenge to Biblical Scholarship’, in Reading Scripture with Paul Ricœur, ed. Joseph Edelheit and James Moore (Lanham: Lexington Press, 2021).
Barnabas Aspray, ‘Transforming Heideggerian Finitude? Following Pathways Opened by Falque’, in Transforming the Theological Turn: Phenomenology with Emmanuel Falque, ed. Martin Ko?í and Jason Alvis (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).
Emmanuel Falque, ‘The All-Seeing: Fraternity and Vision of God in Nicholas of Cusa’, Modern Theology 35, no. 4 (2019): 760-787.
Paul Ricœur, ‘From One Testament to the Other’, Modern Theology 33, no. 2 (2017): 235–42.