Dr Dennis Ngien

Aquinas Institute, Associate Member

Having been a visiting Research Scholar at Blackfriars Hall, Dr  Dennis Ngien has now been appointed as Associate Member at the Aquinas Institute, working on Aquinas’s way of God’s being ‘for us’, an instance of an interface of doctrine and piety.

Formerly the Alister E. McGrath Chair of Christian Thought and Spirituality, Dr Ngien is Research Professor of Theology at Tyndale University, Toronto. Dennis is also Distinguished Professor and Research Fellow at the Institute for Lutheran Theology, Brookings, SD.

select publications:

Grace and Law in Galatians: Justification in Luther and Calvin (Cascade Books, 2023); and Paragon of Excellence: Luther’s Sermons on I Peter (Fortress Press, 2023).

Email: dngien@tyndale.ca