Dr Paul Edmondson

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Edmondson is Head of Research for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. He teaches and gives talks, instigates Shakespearian projects and events, and co-supervises Ph.D. students. He is a Trustee of the British Shakespeare Association and chairs the Partner Advisory Group for Midland 4 Cities, the regional Doctoral Training Partnership. He is currently writing Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon for the Oxford Shakespeare Topics series. He is a priest in the Church of England, and has lived and worked in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1995.

Select Publications:
Twelfth Night: a guide to the text and its Theatrical Life (2005);
Shakespeare: Ideas in Profile (2015);
(with Kevin Colls and William Mitchell): Finding Shakespeare’s New Place: an archaeological biography (2016);
(with Ewan Fernie): New Places: Shakespeare and Civic Creativity (2018);
(with Peter Holbrook): Shakespeare’s Creative Legacies (2016);
(with Paul Prescott and Erin Sullivan): A Year of Shakespeare: Re-living the World Shakespeare Festival (2013);
(with Stanley Wells): Shakespeare’s Sonnets (2004), Shakespeare Beyond Doubt: Evidence, Argument, Controversy (2013);
Shakespeare Circle: An Alternative Biography (2015), and All the Sonnets of Shakespeare (2020), a ground-breaking edition which arranges the sonnets published in 1609 and the sonnets to be found into chronological order.

Twitter: @paul_edmondson

Email: paul.edmondson@shakespeare.org.uk