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Blackfriars Garden Party 2022

On the hottest day of the year, Blackfriars marked the end of a thankfully normal Trinity Term with the traditional chilled Pimms, white wine, and strawberries and cream. The occasion...

Students Dance with the Dinosaurs

On Saturday, May 28th, the MCRs of Blackfriars Hall, Regent’s Park College and the Common Room of St Stephen’s House hosted the first-ever Permanent Private Hall (PPH) Ball. The ball,...

The Newman Lecture: Sir James MacMillan

Yesterday evening, honorary fellow of Blackfriars, Sir James MacMillan, delighted a full hall in Somerville College as he lectured on ‘Music & Some Wider Implications: a Catholic composer’s perspective’. The...

Blackfriars Formal Dinner – Photos

Students from Blackfriars MCR enjoyed a wonderful formal dinner this Saturday, prepared by none other than Fr Robert Gay, Prior of the Hall, and Anneli Chambliss Howes, the Bursar. Also...

Vice-Regent Fr Bruno Clifton launches new book

Blackfriars’ Vice-Regent, Rev Dr Bruno Clifton OP is launching his new work on the Book of Judges on 17 May, in a hybrid in-person and online event. This recently published...

Sir James MacMillan to give Newman Lecture 2022

Music & Some Wider Implications: a Catholic composer’s perspective. Is there a moral dimension to the act of composition? And does the work of a composer ever impact on the...

New Website for Blackfriars Priory & Studium

A parallel website has been launched for Blackfriars Priory (the community of friars) and the Studium (our centre for clergy training), at This new development allows the website

Blackfriars Hall 2022-23 Scholarships Announced

Blackfriars is proud to announce the scholarships on offer for 2022-23 academic year. ‘New Blackfriars Scholarship’ £1,200 open to graduate students in Humanities and Social Sciences starting October 2022. ‘Dominique...

Solferino 21

This year is the 160th anniversary of the publication of Henri Dunant’s seminal humanitarian text A Memory of Solferino in 1862. Dunant’s powerful book famously inspired the launch the International...

Emerging Scholars’ Workshop

Applications are open for the Aquinas Institute's Inaugural Workshop for Emerging Scholars in Spring 2022.