Research Interests
The Las Casas Institute fosters research and wide debate on important contemporary social concerns.
Women Religious Project
Recovering the voices of sisters who have conducted challenging ministries in conflict zones
Re-thinking Economics
Why has classical economics failed us? How do we put morality at the heart of economic reasoning?
Peace-building and non-violence
What happens after the protests end? How do we build a more just and peaceful society?
Climate Justice
How do we safeguard human dignity, sustainable access to resources, and the natural environment?
Human Rights Education
What empowers us to defend Human Rights disregarded or at threat in a fast-changing world?
War and Humanitarian Aid
How can we best help those afflicted by the varying forms of modern warfare and armed conflict?
Defending the Vulnerable
What does it take in today’s world to take proper care of the vulnerable? With whom does the buck stop?
Dignity in the Religious Traditions
How do different religions understand human dignity? Where do they challenge secular values and vice versa?
A Future for the Humanities
How can Arts and the Humanities help promote social justice and human dignity?
Politics and Freedom of Speech
How do we advance free debate in the age of information wars?